Monday, October 7, 2019

Greening Lillydale Regional Park.

The other day I witnessed a rare psychosis, the average urban woman boxing inquisitive blackbirds, knee-deep in the Mississippi, maybe greening the banks would help.
So on October 5th, 2019 I photo journaled, this event at Lilydale park, on the shores of Mississippi, by St Paul.
Brickyard is a fossil bed, as the earth turns, and new fossils are contributed, I imagined rare forms of exotic lifeforms, from little dinosaur birds to seashells, when the land met the sea.
One little hillock stood out, needing soil fixing with rooting, all with pollinator and local undergrowth.
I visited the place early in the morning and was hushed off in a large black omnibus, a journey to the world of the echo cave, I habitat with brown bats.
The early half of the morning was spent in planting pegs, square ones, in round holes dug with spades. Here are some of the photos of people in action.....

Losar New Tibetan Year

I just went to the Losar Tibetan New Year , though I did not find Geshe there, it was a colorful event, with Tibetan folk music and a circl...